Woman thinking about her purpose

6 Steps to Discover Your Calling


Why am I here? What is my purpose? How do I know what my calling is?

Life is busy, and time goes by fast; yet in the midst of it all; there is absolute purpose for your life and actually more than one calling!

Have you ever asked your kid to do something, let's say for example you asked them to clean their room, only to come back and find they didn’t do what you asked? Tell me I'm not alone in this! Of course, they are quick with reasons why they didn't get finished; and your response is something like, “But you didn't do what I asked you to do.”

Sometimes, the task can just seem so daunting that they delay too long, and you come back to see that hardly a thing has been done. Or their heart may have been in the right place, and they may have started out with the task they were assigned to do, but then got side-tracked and forgot about what they were supposed to be doing. Can you relate to that as a mom? I'm going to guess you can! What about in your own life? With distractions everywhere, do you ever just get off-track from the the intended goal? 

When our actions don't match up with God’s callings for our life, we will fall short every time.



For years I have felt God nudging me in directions I didn’t feel qualified to go. And for years, I’ve resisted that calling. Has God ever tried to point you in a specific direction, and even used other people to speak those things into your life? For example, you may have thoughts about a direction you should go or things you need to do, and the next thing you know, someone is bringing up the idea that you should do that. You didn’t even tell them you’ve been thinking about it! Or you will run across things while online, having a quiet time, out around town, or visiting with friends. Basically, in the most random ways, God will redirect your attention to what He is calling you to do. 

Years later, I am finally responding to that call. I’ll give you a guess at what held me back for so many years. Hint: It’s a four-letter word…

You probably guessed it! It was FEAR. I had fear of not being good enough. Fear of not being able to figure it all out. There was fear of failing, both because I didn’t feel qualified, and because life is busy and crazy! If I’m being honest, I was also afraid of what other people would say. It all felt like too much. Like a kid with a wildly messy room to clean, the task seemed too daunting. Have you ever felt that way?


Here’s the thing though, if everything we did in life was meant to be easy, and didn’t push us outside the level of comfort and courage we merely settle with, we would find ourselves needing God less. And mama, that is not what we were created for. We were created for dependence on God. We were created to draw near to Him and fully rely on His presence and power in our lives. We need faith to step forward and say, “Okay, God. Here I am. I’m ready for what You have for me, and I know and trust You will never fail me.”


What is the Difference Between a Purpose and a Calling?


We spend a lot of our time trying to figure out what our purpose is. We spend money for courses, books, and coaching. We take online quizzes, search the internet, and do all kinds of things to try and figure it out. It can be so defeating! But the truth is, we all have the SAME purpose.


Our purpose is to know God and make Him known.


You were created on purpose, for THE purpose. The purpose of having a relationship with God, and pointing others to Him. From the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man has not been worthy to walk with God so effortlessly. But God, with all of His mercy and love for us, sent Jesus to wipe out hopelessness, and restore LIFE to us all. Life in Christ. Our purpose friends, is to live for Christ. “And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised.” (2 Corinthians 5:15 HCSB)

There will always be trouble and hardship on this side of heaven, but we make it harder on ourselves when we forget the one thing we should be doing. Knowing Him and making Him known. Following your purpose, fulfills God’s purpose. Don’t misunderstand though. God doesn’t have a need for you. He has and will always accomplish his purpose with or without you. But, you were created because He loves you and has a desire to have a relationship with you. We didn’t have kids because we needed them. We had kids to love them and to have a family. You are a part of God’s design, purpose, and family!



Let's take that a step farther. Now that we know our purpose, we can stop searching or trying to “help” others find theirs. It would be nice if all day we could walk around sharing Jesus with the world and it be as simple as that. But, it doesn’t work like that. Your purpose is WHY you’re here. Your calling is WHAT you are supposed to be doing while you’re here.

There isn’t just one calling you have while on this earth. As a child, one of those callings is to obey your parents. As a parent, you are called to disciple your children. Ah, what an incredible calling to be trusted with! It should never be taken lightly. Some callings carry on many years. Others last a season or more. Rather than our purpose, it’s our callings we need to figure out; and remember, there’s not just one.


Do you know what your callings are in this season?


Being a mama is one of our callings, and I believe it’s the best one we could ever have!


What other things are you called to right now? Are you moving towards them or away?


Life will always be an uphill battle when you are going against God’s calling for your life. Yet, when you follow God’s calling, don’t be surprised if there’s an uphill battle there too. The Bible tells us that in this life there will be trouble. “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33 HCSB)


You see, the difference in the troubles we have in this life, related to following our calling, is that peace is available to you, regardless of what comes. But when you are not walking in God’s calling for your life, that peace will be hard to find.



6 Steps to Discover Your Calling


1. Spend time with God daily


Stay true to your purpose, above all else. Pray daily and get into His Word. He will not leave you without direction; but you must be in relationship with Him to know where He is guiding you. It's not always easy to know, just because you pursue a relationship with God. It does mean that you will be walking in your purpose, and He will bless that. As you keep moving forward, keeping first things first, you will move forward in your calling. 


2. Tell others about Him.  


As you grow in your relationship with the Lord, your life will reflect that pursuit, and you will make Him known to those around you. We need to be intentional to spread the news about Jesus. How many people have you talked to about Jesus today? Yesterday? This may hurt if we keep going…I’m with you though. We MUST be more intentional. Our eternity and every one else’s eternity is the most important thing that matters in the end.


3. Ask God for wisdom and discernment.


Don’t expect to get something you haven’t asked for. “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. An indecisive man is unstable in all his ways.” (Hebrews 1:5-8 HCSB) He wants you to seek Him. He gives generously. You must ask with an expectant heart, having faith. You need also be ready to act on that wisdom you’re given. Often times we know deep down what we should be doing, yet we keep asking and searching, instead of acting and trusting.  


4. Seek advice from others who also walk closely with God.


“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.” (Proverbs 19:20 NIV)

We cannot be so prideful that we never seek advice from others. We are meant to sharpen each other and do this life together. You may be held back from your calling because you will not humble yourself enough to reach out and have some conversations with people who can speak truth into your life.

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Proverbs 15:22 NIV)

Who do you have counseling you in your life? The more people you have to talk to and seek advice from, the more successful you will be walking out the callings God has for your life. It’s important to make sure the people you listen to are God seeking, servant hearted, truth speaking people. 


5. Trust that God will give you what you need AS you step forward. 


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)


You will not be left hanging when you step forward with the plans God has for you.


6. Give all of the glory to God. 


His calling is not for you. Ultimately, it’s for Him.

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV)


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Encouragement for the Journey


As seasons change, so will your callings. Some will remain the same, and new ones will come along. It's important to continue to seek wisdom and discernment in your life so that you are open and willing to yield to what God has next for you. 


Let's also make sure to teach our children to do these things too. Teach and model. We can create a generation of God seekers and Kingdom impacters if we will just get hungry for heaven and passionate for the lives of others! Our purpose will be accomplished and our callings will be successful. Our hearts will be at peace, and we will push through our troubles. Life isn’t all “sunshine and roses”, but there’s definitely a lot more God has in store for us, that we can miss out on if we are not living THE purpose and walking in our callings.


I am choosing to move forward in my callings this season, with intentionality and renewed fervor, trusting God to use me for His purpose and to impact the Kingdom of heaven! I hope you will join me! Drop a comment to let me know what God is doing in your life this season. I would love to know and to pray for you!





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